Wednesday 27 February 2013

It's been a while, but luckily i'm still awesome...

...and modest. So what's been going on? Well that massive ass asteroid hit Russia. It was pretty cool, unless you are Russian of course, in which case it probably sucked a little bit. I know its tremendously dreadful to find natural disaster entertaining, but they look way cooler than their Hollywood counterparts. That footage was loads better then "deep impact."

I couldn't think of a decent segue, so I decided to just start a new paragraph and hope nobody notices, actually I have a similar readership to the roll of toilet roll in my bathroom, so i'm not really sure it matters what I say. With that in mind I want to say bollocks to people who belittle other people to make themselves feel good. I really hate it when people who clearly have tiny penises (or the female equivalent, massive clunge? I dunno, whatever might make a woman insecure) put others down to feel good. We are all insecure in some way, shape or form, don't be a cock about it! If you think i'm talking about you, then I probably am. Just to clarify there is a difference between this and bantering. if the other person doesn't look upset then you probably haven't crossed a line, if they look like they are about to cry it's time to dial down the dickishness!(it's a word) /end rant

So I am in a play for the first time in a long time and i'm adctually loving it (in a mcdonalds like fashion) the script is funny. I have to sing and dance which are both pretty challenging for me (I was born with two left feet and two left vocal chords, actually that's not a thing) After a few rehearsals where I barely spoke a word I started going pub with the next sads generation and they are all ace. I honestly feel I have made another 3 or 4 really good friends who I love spending time with. I'm going to be crushed when this play is finished. I hate the feeling when plays are all over. Mainly because with the best will in the world you never truly see am-dram people outside of the am-dram world. I think about the awesome people I have met through theater: Pete, Jo, Georgia etc. and I just never see these people (well rarely) it kinda sucks. ho hum, don't want to be a miserable bastard I have done quite enough of that of late. So I'm just going to focus on enjoying the next three weeks as much as possible. After all you cannot change the future, just try and deal with what it has in store for you.

We had our yearly Newquay trip recently and it was predictably quality. A bit more high-brow than usual, probably because Gringo wasn't there to accost people on the train - bloody lout. Jaffa's mint aero cocktail on the way down was delicious, it was like gargling with an angels breast milk - yummy. I enjoyed myself terribly, but I did get slapped across the face rather more then I would like. I have always thought myself kind of a likeable guy, so quite why the Cornish lady-folk felt the need to use my face like a punching bag is beyond me. Perhaps I need to work on being less sarcastic. Nah! The limo ride was a nice touch but a musically logistical nightmare. How do you prepare a playlist for people whose musical tastes vary so much? I should have said bollocks and just made a playlist of my favorite songs. It would have made my ride more fun (might have sucked for everyone who doesn't like Nizlopi though, which is everyone)

Whilst in Newquay most all of us indulged in our annual helping of Kangaroo. (which is lush) but it did make me think of the recent horse meat scandal. I know lots of people are completely indignant about it, but I honestly couldn't give less of a shit. Tesco burgers could have dogpoop in for all I care as long as they taste good. What you don't know about you won't hurt you, unless it's a bus.

What else is new? Oh yeah, I have an eBay shop and am selling a whole mess of crap on eBay. I'm generating funds to start a small business buying and selling toys and sci-fi memorabilia. It is great fun and i'm really loving it at the moment. Eventually i'd like it to not be a hobby and instead be my jobby (it's fun to rhyme) for those who didn't know I have taken a lot of time off work recently and it has been for personal reasons (which I don't want to talk about in depth - most will draw the right conclusions anyway) but suffice to say I have been questioning whether I am in the right job and for one moment this week I thought I had the answer, it was just a small thing: a student asking me to be their reference. I know that's not really a big deal, but I always kind of assumed kids just liked me because I was just a bit of a joker and didn't yell quite as much as most teachers (all though today I nearly downed a plane I shouted so loud) but being asked to act as a reference it shows that at some point that one student must have developed a modicum of respect for me. Which sounds like a minor thing, but it meant a lot for me. As someone with a rep for being a bit of a joker I constantly fall foul of people not being able to take me seriously. That's part of the reason I like to right a blog. My mind (whilst not brilliant) is a constant whirring machine trying to piece together life's mysteries and figure out the worlds inhabitants. I may come out with more dreadful puns then a bad comedian and may drop more innuendos than the Tod, but it bugs me when people can't see beyond that. I'm a person damn it, with actual feelings! Anyway, off on another tangent. It made me like work for a few hours but i'm still having to really force myself to go in. I'm not really sure what the future holds for me at the moment, but I know one thing to be true. If ever I switch vocations I will miss the kids. Young people are awesome.