Sunday 8 January 2012


In a supreme effort to prove that I will do just about anything to avoid the nightmare that is doing my coursework I decided to live out my childhood dream of keeping a blog. I know what you are thinking and yes, they did have the internet when I was a child. OK it was dial up and had a modem that was loud enough to wake up an entire street. But it was worth it to look at pictures of Gillian Anderson in her underwear. mmmm.....Scully. The problem is my lack of anything really interesting to talk about. My main reason for doing this, as it was last time, before I lost my password, is to develop a writing habit, something kind of needed if you are going to be a writer (Which I am going to be!) If you are interested, and why wouldn't you be, you can read my only other blog entry here:

So I guess this will act as a diary and contain any thing I want to write that might be vaguely interesting. I got 81% in a creative writing assignment today. This could have been higher had I not spent so much time on facebook last week. Facebook is slowly turning our nation in to a bunch of lazy idiots who cannot enjoy anything that doesn't involve poking (when I was a kid having an addiction to poking was called being a sex pest - I know first hand) However, whilst I could take a stand by deleting my account I really don't want to. On my hiatus's (haitusi?) from facebook I feel completely liberated, but there always seems to be a good reason to not delete, the biggest and obvious one being that I am equal parts nosy bastard and (as you can tell from having a blog) egotist.

Whilst I'm on the subject of social networking I joked the other day that facebook should have built in anti-drunk locks and I feel this would be a godsend. I post so much random crap whilst drunk and it is never of any benefit and usually to my own detriment. I think next time I will de-activate my account before I go out. I doubt in a drunken state I would have the required grey matter to login.

I need to finish my assignment tonight really in order to have a nicer week then last. I am becoming conscious that I am a grouchy douche bag at work and unfortunately I am cursed with a desire to have the whole world love me. That sounds lame, but it is so true. I wish I could be one of these tossers that care not what the outside world thinks. Their lives seem so much easier (they also seem a lot more true to themselves.)

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck with your blog, I started one ssome time ago but after a reasonable start it fell into disuse and is now only added to now and again. Facebook is to blame of course, I also spend to much time on there, but it is a good place to keep in touch with family and friends who are scattered around the world.
